Something went down. I tried to get away. I crawled through an alley you know, but when I got to the other side. Damn Man. I just crapped out. I lost it. I stopped breathing yo!
So here is how the "official story goes" yo: I was injured. I crawled down an alley and died at the location my body was found at 14201 Verbena in El Mirage, Arizona. Maricopa County YO!
They have no clue. They're not even sure how old I was. The guess is between 25 and 45. I was 5'7 and 139lbs. I have brown eyes and black shaggy hair. I had a patchy beard and moustache. They say I was white hispanic latino, you think!
My tat’s: Left thigh is a helmet, flags and a cross. Right bicep what looks like a letter F. Left chest is a spider dangling from a web. I'm not copping to the F yo! The others that’s my art man.
I was sportin' black jeans, a tan colored belt with a silver colored buckle, white underwear and socks. My tennis shoes were white and blue. My watch was black fabric.
Whoever did this to me, you have to live with yourself holmes! I can't give like a reward from the beyond you know, but if someone out there can come forward and say who I is, that'd be cool yo. My moms can rest better knowing where I am and what happen you know. So do the right thing come forward and tell the pigs what happened ok. PEACE OUT.
ME/C Contact Information
Agency: Maricopa County Medical Examiner
Phone Number: 602-372-1126 or 602-506-3322
Agency Case Number: 06-3872
NCIC Number: U-560019430
VIEW HIS PROFILE DATA AT A GLANCE: Maricopa Arizona John Doe September 2006
VIEW HIS PROFILE DATA AT A GLANCE: Maricopa Arizona John Doe September 2006
It appears there is a word under the cross tattoo...but I cant make it out. Any mention of what word it may be in ay of the reports?
Hi Stephanie,
First let me say way to go you are on a roll!!!
The larger image I saw didn't seem to have any writing on it at all. I can send you a link to see the tattoo closer up, but I won't publish because its sensitive and not all people will want to see this photo.
Email me directly to get the link.
Rebel J. Morris
PS: Keep up the good work. I'm trying to keep pace with you! :) Thanks for all your support and dedication.
those look like gang tattoo's or jail tattoo's.
The resolution is too low, but if I was to guess the word under the cross looks like
Hi LK,
Thanks for stopping in and letting us know your thoughts. every persons help is very useful in these cases. Did you see the actual photo from the coroner's office? If not you can get there through this link
- WARNING GRAPHIC IMAGES - http://www.maricopa.gov/medex/unidentified/search.aspx?caseNum=06-3872
once you are on his page you can choose to view the images. And each one will enlarge!
Thank you again for helping out.
I appreciate your continued support.
All My Best,
Rebel J. Morris
I was able to blow up the tat w/flags and cross some. Although it was fuzzy the letters appeared to read "SAM" to me. It may not have been his name but could be an anagram for something he was part of or where he was from. Still doing a lot of research.
Hi Elizabeth,
Thanks for stopping by and updating us on your progress. Good luck with your research. Keep us posted.
Rebel J Morris
These tattoos don't look professional enough to be gang tattoos - or even jailhouse tattoos. They look like very poorly done home-made tattoos.
I don't see any word under the cross - it just looks like the base of the cross or the ground. Between the Mexican and American flags, rather than a helmet I see what looks like a panama hat - perhaps the Panama Jack character.
Hi Leigh,
Lots of ideas and theories on these tatt's. Wish we could find the person who recognizes them.
Maybe with more research on the tattoos themselves will lead us in the right direction to finding his family and his identity. Keep up the good work.
Thanks for your dedication to CYIM and America's Unidentified.
All My Best,
Rebel J. Morris
I looked at the medical photos and I wondered was his injury (it was said he was injured and then died after crawling through an alley)was blunt force trauma? An up close photo of his head suggests a thin mark similar to swelling.
I don't even see a word under the cross but to me the "f" looks like a person with their head lowered and holding a gun. Could that be significant to a specific gang. (sort of like the teardrop under the eye for others)
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