Hey, what are the chances I actually lived in Cecil County, Maryland? Slim to none, is probably a sure bet! Don’t take my word for it. The local authorities say had I been from the area there would have been chatter. They would have heard something! So where was I from?
According to Wikipedia an online encyclopedia “Interstate 95 (I-95) is the main highway on the East Coast of the United States, …paralleling the Atlantic Ocean from Maine to Florida and serving some of the most populated urban areas in the country, including Boston, Providence, New York City, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, D.C., Richmond, Jacksonville and Miami. It is one of the north–south routes of the Interstate Highway System, and replaced older U.S. Highways, mainly U.S. Route 1. The oldest sections of I-95, including several toll roads, predate the Interstate System; the route has yet to be completed in the Pennsylvania-New Jersey area.” That’s many States, many Cities and many unincorporated areas.
There’s this wooded area off Route 272 near the Gilpin Covered Bridge, which turns out be about a mile from an exit off the I-95. On August 25, 1997 the police were called because someone set a fire in this wooded area. They arrived on scene at about 7:30 AM roughly forty five minutes after the neighbors noticed this fire broke out. One of the cops on scene thought a mannequin was on fire, but on closer observation realized it was a human.
That human was me. I was on fire. Turns out I was killed roughly 24 hours earlier, brutally stabbed and butchered. My right hand and legs were severed. I bled out where I was killed. After which, I was rolled in a ivory colored sheet and then in a tarp. The police speculate, I was placed in the trunk of someone’s car and then driven and dumped in this wooded area right near the Gilpin Covered Bridge , Route 272 and a mile from the nearest I-95 off ramp. Once dumped here in this location the perpetrator set me on fire and fled the scene.
It’s been over ten years and they still don’t know who I am, or where I’m from. They do know that I was a black male between twenty five and thirty five years old. I probably stood about 5’7, weighed about 170 and had a muscular build.
It’s also speculated that I’m someone that is missed. Not that all people aren’t missed, but in my case in particular I probably had money or came from a family with money. I had a very unique dental procedure that’s quite expensive. Also, it turns out my dental features were unique and identifying. My “right front incisor was rotated slightly so that the right front tooth overlapped the incisor.” They hope that family, friends and my dentist will hear about this John Doe’s dentals and come forward. This is unique enough to get attention. Hopefully it will do the job. After all, it’s been over ten years and I’m still John Doe. Or you can call me Cecil Doe.
So there it is! I’m most likely not from Cecil County, Maryland. I was probably killed elsewhere and dumped here. I’m unique and may even come from wealth. This should help someone somewhere recognize me and let law enforcement know who I am.
If you know who I am, or have any information please call:
Sgt. John Bollinger
Agency Case #: 97-04768
NCIC Number: U-054206197
VIEW HIS PROFILE DATA HERE: Cecil Maryland John Doe August 1997
Legs severed and body wrapped in this case, also:
Hi Michael,
Unfortunately, there are many cases of individuals that have been found dismembered. There are even several found in suitcases, similar to Melinda Doe.
We can pray that these individuals did not feel any pain upon death. We can hope that they are resting at peace now. And we can work very hard to bring back their identity so that everyone can try to find closure with their deaths.
Thank you for bringing the Melinda Doe case forward. Your time is valued and appreciated. Thank you for all you are doing to help these individuals find their way home.
All My Best,
Rebel J. Morris
Can You Identify Me?
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