If you haven’t guessed,
On August 16, 1975, I was found floating in a drainage ditch behind an old Bradlees Department Store in
I won’t accept that no one misses me. I don’t care if you can’t find a missing persons report. I know one is out there somewhere, or someone tried to report me missing but the authorities didn’t take the report. In the 1970s, very few law enforcement agencies took missing persons cases seriously. I hope that’s changed in year you are reading this. I believe my family does and is missing me. I believe someone is looking for me. We just have to find them.
Unfortunately there is not a lot of information to help. The basics:
Date found: August 16, 1975
Poss Date of Death: days earlier
White Female
Age: 20 something
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 125 lbs.
Hair: Brown, parted in the center
Eye: Brown/ Hazel
I had some dental work done. I also might have had a nose job, which might make it harder for my family to find me. Unless of course, they know about the cosmetic work I had done.
You know I might not have been from the
If you know this woman, please call:
HER PROFILE DATA AT A GLANCE HERE: New Haven Connecticut Jane Doe August 1975
I looked on Namus for this and there isnt anything listed ?
Hi Susan,
There are estimated to be 40,000 unidentified victims in America. There are only about 8600 unidentified victims currently listed with Namus.
NamUs is one option for listing these victims that law enforcement can use if you choose. It is a government funded, but privately run database. Another option available is NCIC a federally funded and operated database. Law enforcement can use both or neither of these database options at will. There is no federal mandate to regulate use.
While law enforcement in all jurisdictions should be encouraged to use every available resource, they don't have an obligation to do so. Additional limitations happen for law enforcement in that they don't have the manpower to enter their victims. Many law enforcement agencies are backlogged on current cases that require their immediate attention. Thereby making it harder for them to allocate funding and time to take advantage of all resources that may be available to them.
Thank you for asking such a valid question.
All My Best,
Rebel J. Morris
Can You Identify Me
Isn't that around the time and place where the happy face killer...somebody Jepperson? was killing women?
Hi Anonymous,
Actually the Happy Face Killer - Keith Hunter Jesperson killing spree spanned from 1990 to 1995.
This young victim was found deceased in 1975. Perhaps you were thinking of a different serial killer?
The unfortunate reality is there are way too many serial killers.
Rebel J. Morris
Can You Identify Me
Sounds like a Martha Moxley "era" age group type killing-if she's had a NOSE job-surgery she might be from a RICH family-CHECK NOSE JOBS-local area-state-for other possible links to case.
Truly sad that there are cases like this. Hundreds of unclaimed, missing, murdered people in the US. I will keep praying that they are named, claimed and others surface so they can be proplerly buried. Amen
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