I have no name. This blogger is calling me Barbara Jean. It's nice enough for the time being. I just want to know my real name. Find my real family. Someone must be looking for me. Is it you? Are you looking for me?
On July 25, 2003, a man out hiking found me off Hwy 80, at the Mogul exit, on a dirt frontage road, West of Reno, in Mogul, Nevada.
Several reports have been release about how I was discovered and my condition. What they all have in common is I was dead. At the time they found me no one knew for sure how long I had been dead. It was noted that my body was black, naked and decomposing.
The sheriff said I had been killed some where else and dumped here on this frontage road on the south side of the interstate. This road is heavily traveled by bikers and hikers; however, it was possible that I had been there awhile as I was covered by brush. So no one knows for sure how long prior to my discovery that I had been dumped in this location. On clue was that I was found wrapped in a shower curtain.
The authorities have determined that I am a black female, approximately 5'5, and it's estimated that I was 28 to 36 years of age. Also, it's been determined that I was missing 16 teeth, I had a previous fracture to my nose, and my toe nails were thick, long and misshaped.
Whoever killed me and left me naked forgot to remove my jewelry. Do you recognize my ring?

It is described as being a white metal ring with scrolling. It was on my right ring finger.
So what happened? Did I piss off my husband or significant other? Was this a drug dispute? Was this B&E that went wrong? Did someone just pick me up off the street and kill me in someones house?
Someone knows what happened to me! While it would be great to determine what happened, right now I just want to know who I am!
Was I your neighbor? Your Mother? Your Daughter? Your Sister? Your Friend? Can you call the police and just tell them my name? I'd be very happy if you would just let me rest in a grave marked with my true identity!
Can you identify me? Please............
If you have any information about this case please contact:
Washoe County Coroner's Office 775-785-6114
Washoe County Sheriff's Office 775-328-3320
Coroner Case Number: 0829-03-A
Sheriff Case Number: 03-8336
VIEW HER PROFILE DATA AT A GLANCE: Washoe Nevada Jane Doe July 2003
1 comment:
I think I've seen her before when I was in elementary school she would pick someone up its like a blurry flashback sorry I don't know her name
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