I can't get my physical life back. I'd like to get my identity back. Can you help me? Do you know me?

Late November 2006, human remains were found on the 3200 block of East 64th Ave of Commerce City, Colorado. Those remains were mine! The police also recovered a boot and belt buckle they believe were mine also. There was one report by the doe network that said I was wearing two layers of jackets an "International denim jacket under a Wilson's leather jacket."
The sad thing is that they can only guesstimate at my race, age and height. It is believed that I was either African American, Hispanic, Native American or a mix. I could have been 20 to 43 years old, and about 5'1 to 5'6 feet tall. The one thing that stands out is a premolar tooth on the bottom left side of my mouth.
The following is a picture of my "Rocky" brand hiking boots:

The following is a picture of my actual belt buckle, followed by another one in better condition for comparison:


Please help the police figure out who I am. Do I look familiar? Have you seen me before? Do you now me? If yes, please contact the police.
I just want to rest in peace. Thank You.
Contact the following department with any information:
Commerce City Police Department at 303-227-8840.
VIEW HIS PROFILE DATA AT A GLANCE: Adams Colorado John Doe November 2006
Commerce City Police Department at 303-227-8840.
VIEW HIS PROFILE DATA AT A GLANCE: Adams Colorado John Doe November 2006
Have you looked into who sold the belt buckle and where they were made and distributed ?
Did someone canvas the place this person was found and did they use a metal detector while casing the place or vicinity?
Hi Only The Words of Jesus
Thank you for stopping by and viewing his story. Yes, they did investigate the belt buckle. If you have a minute to go back and look you'll see the original belt buckle is in poor condition. The other one is for comparison so that the public can see what it actually said. Additionally, at the time of discovery the officers would have canvased the area thoroughly. As for the metal detector thats an interesting perspective. What do you think they would find using one in the area?
Rebel J. Morris
Can You Identify Me?
Not sure but it seems that if they found the buckle then they might find something else to help them, the idea is to help them canvas better though. With a metal detector.
That's a great idea. It's been a few years though, so I'm not sure how receptive they (they = LE) would be to things located with metal detector at this point. I'm going to pray they covered the area well enough to find anything at the time.
Thank you again for your time with this case. If you have a chance please read other cases.
Our goal is to get as many people as possible to read these stories and view these photos. If you have time please ask your friends to view and ask them to ask their friends. Together we'll find someone who knows their identity. I believe this!
Thank you again for your time.
Rebel J. Morris
Maybe a ring? That would show up on a metal detector.Well what goes with whiskey,.... smoking ! Maybe they would find a lighter?
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